No do not wear karungali malai/bracelet while eating non-veg. Because, ebony Wood Mala is revered for its spiritual significance and can bring health and wealth blessings upon its wearer. Wearing one gives one a profound sense of serenity while helping us navigate life’s trials gracefully.
Karungali Malai – Bestows Blessings of Health and Wealth
Karungali is an Ebony tree that attracts supernatural forces and stores them within it, using their power to help release negative energy from one’s body and mind. Furthermore, it helps balance vattha, pittha and kapha doshas while also relieving excess heat from your body. When used regularly it may help alleviate skin related problems like rashes wound scars etc as well as help cleanse away impurities from your system by being immersed in water for bathing purposes or used directly for massage purposes which will remove impurities from your system and remove impurities from your system.
Use of Karungali Maala will bring businesspeople success and reduce cash shortages. Furthermore, its use can eliminate laziness and mental fear while simultaneously decreasing any malefic effects of Planet Mars in one’s horoscope.
How to wash after eating non-veg?
Homemakers can also place it near god statues for protection and to get their blessings, while it will protect us from evil eyes nazar and drishti, giving a healthy and prosperous lifestyle for wearers.
I Forget to remove karungali while eating non-veg what to do?
Simple, just follow or repeat the first time wear steps.
- Wash them with pure water
- Dip it in a raw milk
- Again wash with pure water and wipe with cotton cloth
But remember, it is like resetting the positive energy that the wood gained till it followed first time wear steps.
Final thoughts
Original silver karungali malais provide protection from nazar, evil eye and drishti as well as helping remove Mars’ negative impacts in your horoscope. They bring success, career advancement and avoidance of cash shortages while eliminating laziness anxiety and mental fear; making this piece perfect for businessperson and giving wealth!
Karungali wood is an amazing medicinal tree that absorbs electromagnetic radiation and waves, helping people who wear bracelets made of this wood to experience reduced effects from planet Mars in their horoscope. Wearing these pieces also can hypnotise deivam and give physical strength.
Non-vegetarian diets may be appropriate if one’s profession or lifestyle requires them to consume large amounts of protein, while vegetarians should be wary about overeating due to possible obesity, indigestion and other gastrointestinal issues. Furthermore, drinking plenty of liquids during meals will aid your body’s digestion of your meal and promote better overall health.

Krishna is an author and Co-founder of He is a lord siva devotee who have very good knowledge on devotional goods and prayer methods. In specific he is in to this devotional goods selling since 2019. His knowledge on karungali (ebony products) and using procedure helps several people.