Karungali mala is an effective protection from evil eyes, nazar and drishti. Additionally, it aids business growth, avoidance of cash shortages, improved peace of mind and eradicated laziness or anxiety.
Made with care, this Ebony Wood Mala will bring both peace and wealth. Crafted with its 108 beads carefully designed to help spiritual development, meditation practice and open up new opportunities.
1. It is a talisman
Karungali Malai, commonly referred to as Ebony Mala, is a devotional talisman often used for meditation and chanting of mantras. It’s said to attract electromagnetic radiations and waves while spreading positive vibrations – helping one achieve Vaakku Siddhi and connect with Kula Devata. This spiritual practice tool makes an excellent addition to spiritual or religious practices as well as healing techniques.
Male or Female who wear the original karungali malai is said to help increase immunity and bring good luck, cure diseases, reduce stress, and provide emotional stability – making it an indispensable addition for individuals looking for prosperity and abundance.
Ideal, the Karungali Malai should be cleaned using raw milk and pure water, then allowed to air-dry before wiping down with a cloth and wearing at an auspicious time (such as Tuesday) when worshiping Kula Deivam.
Additionally, it is crucial that you use a certified talisman. Look for one with 108 + 1 beads made from genuine ebony wood that does not feature cracks, scratches, or other defects; and comes complete with an authenticity report from a lab testing lab testing report certificate from trusted sellers of rare woods. Ultimately, purchasing from such sellers will guarantee an authentic karungali malai.
2. It is a Symbol
A karungali mala is comprised of beads made from black ebony wood that have been strung together into a bracelet or rosary for meditation or prayer practice, strung together carefully so as to encourage spiritual development, improve concentration during prayer sessions, protect from negative energies, offer physical healing benefits, and symbolise prosperity.
Karungali malas are decorated with decorative tassels or guru beads to indicate when prayer cycles have begun and ended, while some also feature embellished with rudraksha seeds or precious stones for additional aesthetic and energetic properties.
Ebony is often used in crafting karungali malas due to its thought-to-be protective and concentration-increasing properties when praying or meditating, helping improve focus, concentration and mindfulness during these activities. Ebony’s abundance and prosperity symbolic meaning make it an excellent choice for anyone aspiring for greater wealth or success in their lives.
Karungali Mala is said to provide protection from eye draught and witchcraft. To achieve maximum benefit from it, place it under the feet of Murugan or Varahi amman temples, and display near photos of deities at home for blessings from god. Furthermore, its powerful effect can even diminish some of Mars’ malefic effects in someone’s horoscope.
3. It is a Sthala Vriksham
Karungali tree is revered and respected, revered in temples, and is thought to have supernatural powers. Additionally, it can act as a Sthala Vriksham that shields devotees from negative energy or evil eyes and provides protection. Regular use can increase both physical stamina and spiritual development while invoke Kula Devata for better Vaakku Siddhi (Vaakku Siddhi means improving Vaakku Siddhi).
Karungali malais are believed to draw supernatural energies, absorb negative ones, and push them away – making it an invaluable way for people to achieve success in their careers and avoid cash shortages while combatting depression, laziness, and anxiety. Ebony wood is considered the perfect material for making malas and ideal for chanting mantras.
This beautiful ebony wood mala is handcrafted using original Karungali and contains 108 or 54 beads for chanting, making it an excellent way to attain higher states of consciousness and create peace and harmony in life. Each malai is carefully handcrafted using quality material ensuring its purity and durability; making this gift suitable for meditation or prayer practice or sharing among family or friends!
4. It is a Vaakku Siddhi
Male or feamale who experiencing difficulties in their career or business can wear this pendant to experience greater growth and success. It may also help mitigate any negative effects from planet Mars in one’s horoscope, protect from nazar/drishti eye contact or evil gaze or nazar/drishti and shield against witchcraft. Furthermore, it’s thought to bring good fortune while also balancing tridoosha levels, eliminating neurological defects, and relieving anxiety.
Ebony Wood Mala
Each bead in this 108 bead Karungali Mala is handcrafted with care from specially selected Karungali wood for optimal spiritual growth while improving your meditation focus. The black ebony mala brings wealth and health while soothing your soul and easing tension and anxiety.
This Karungali wood malai will help you balance your finances and eliminate any obstructions preventing growth in the financial realm. It is said to attract opportunities, improve business performance and overcome cash flow problems; plus it may help buy/lease property/lands for family/friends as a gift or ease any marital tensions.
Worshipping the Karungali Vel is known to increase intelligence and memory power, helping students excel at studies. Worshipping also encourages devotional well being as you attune with Kula Deivam (your family deity), with its blessings of protection for you as an individual. Furthermore, some claim it has the ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation and lightning strikes – making it an effective tool in improving personal wellbeing.

Krishna is an author and Co-founder of karungali.co.in. He is a lord siva devotee who have very good knowledge on devotional goods and prayer methods. In specific he is in to this devotional goods selling since 2019. His knowledge on karungali (ebony products) and using procedure helps several people.