There are no side effects on karungali (Ebony). Karungali malai is used in numerous temples for various purposes. Known to possess both spiritual and mystical powers, its soothing energy encourages meditation, concentration and introspection.
People seeking luck and success in their careers may wear it to reduce the harmful influences of Mars in their horoscope. It may also serve to counteract its potentially malefic effects.
Medicinal Benefits
Karungali malai is an effective natural remedy for many illnesses. It has been used successfully in treating diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma and heart problems; cancer patients and those suffering from constipation. Furthermore, it helps treat diarrhea and constipation and is useful in treating various skin infections; perfect medicinal herb for women as it is believed to help clear any unwanted cysts from the uterus while being used as garland for god idols in temples too. Men and women can wear this ebony malai as it also serves meditation practice while chanting mantras or being used as prayer mat.
Easily grown by anyone and very cost-effective, karungali malai is an affordable medicinal plant found all across India and can thrive in almost any climate. Renowned for its medicinal qualities as well as ornamental and fruit bearing trees, its height can exceed 50 feet with evergreen branches reaching up to 100 feet tall – thanks to tannins and antioxidants found within its leaves, making karungali malai an excellent remedy against arthritis, urinary tract infections, as well as being good for liver health.
To reap maximum benefit from karungali, soak it overnight in water before drinking it the following morning. This will flush all toxins from your system and leave you feeling light as air! Additionally, it can help control blood sugar and cholesterol levels as well as aid with digestive system issues, allergies or any other health-related problems.
Horoscope Remedies
Karungali malai (black wood) can be used as prayer beads and for making god idols like king caskets, kadiyatchis and bracelets. This spiritual and protective tree boasts multiple medicinal benefits as it helps reduce malefic effects from planet mars in one’s horoscope and bring good fortune into one’s life, reduce eye drishti witchcraft or any other negative forces; reduce eye drishti and eye drishti (eye drishti), reduce eye drishti while helping reduce eye drishti; also used during divine ceremonies known as Homam where various medicinal kinds of wood are burnt along with ghee and other things – both powerful spiritually protective trees with many medicinal qualities used together!
This tree can be found throughout tropical forests in Sri Lanka, India, Africa and Indonesia and is considered sacred by Hinduism. Its bark, leaves and fruits serve various uses in meditation, mantra chanting and the worship of black god idols; additionally it’s often worn to reduce anxiety by soothing depression or anxiety and can provide emotional comfort for people suffering from mental health conditions.
Believed to restore hope in those who have given up, this wood can also provide those suffering with depression the strength they need. Reported to cure various illnesses including diabetes and cancer. Furthermore, it has proven highly effective at relieving stress, anxiety, insomnia and breathing issues.
The Karungali Malai is also widely worn within the film industry as it can greatly increase one’s chances of winning an actor award at National Film Awards or international festivals such as Berlinale or Cannes. Many professionals in cinema require both hard work and luck for success; to increase these odds they wear Karungali Malais as it gives them confidence to pursue their goals while at the same time protecting them from negative aspects of cinema business.
Spiritual Benefits
Karungali Malai talismans are believed to provide protection from negative energies and evil spirits, purify their surroundings, and bring prosperity. Many devotees use them as part of a spiritual awakening experience or simply for personal comfort – it strengthens immune systems and bones while relieving stress, improving memory, relieving excess heat build-up, alleviating skin disorders, increasing energy levels and aiding concentration during meditation sessions.
Homams and Poojas utilize Karungali wood pieces, combined with ghee, for burning in religious ceremonies to remove negative energy and bring positive vibrations into a space. Many also install Karungali Idols of deities at home so as to gain their blessings and gain total protection.
Astrologically speaking, Karungali is associated with planet Mars and can help individuals affected by its malefic effects to mitigate any negative aspects. Furthermore, it can boost intellect and mental strength among students; making this an excellent talisman to wear before exams in order to receive high marks.
This mala is widely known to protect its wearers from evil eye, nazar and drishti attacks as well as bring wealth and alleviate cash shortages in business settings. Furthermore, this mala is believed to bring success and career growth as well as remove long-standing barriers to victory as well as depression, laziness and anxiety from its wearers.
Magizhhandicrafts offers this exquisite ebony wood mala for sale that is designed to ease tension, promote spiritual development and facilitate peace and health. Each bead is meticulously hand-carved from special Karungali wood to bring peace and health into your life. An ideal present for anyone hoping to achieve success and abundance in life, this Black Ebony Wood Mala is guaranteed to deliver results! Perfect for meditation sessions as well as opening doors to wealth and happiness, its 108 beads help keep your focus. As well as this being an effective gift idea, cleansing it regularly with water and sage smoke is recommended in order to ensure optimal results from its owner – as is performing simple puja rituals with it for positive vibes – is advised in order for its owner to get maximum return from his or her investment! This Black Ebony Wood Mala is guaranteed to bring amazing results to its owner!
Aesthetic Benefits
Karungali Malai not only offers spiritual benefits, but it can also have aesthetic ones. According to beauticians, using malai in combination with turmeric powder and rose water in a face pack can leave skin smooth and nourished, as well as reduce tans or dark spots on your body. You could even use malai as an exfoliating scrub by mixing it with raw oatmeal for application on face before washing off later – your complexion will feel younger than ever!
Additionally, this black ebony malai can help you fight laziness by increasing your confidence and dispelling mental fears. Furthermore, this tool is an invaluable aid for students as it enhances memory retention and intellectual aptitude, so they can easily absorb new knowledge.
karungali malai, which belongs to Angara gragha (Mars), is an extremely powerful tree with energy that can spread up to one Kilometre around it, which explains why this rare species of Karungali attracts electromagnetic energies as well as being believed to have divine properties and hence makes wearing these malais, bracelets or bangles considered auspicious.
People suffering from Mars afflictions can wear this malai to lessen its harmful effects, as well as protect themselves from enemies and evil eyes. Furthermore, wearing this malai can increase business profits while helping avoid cash shortages.
Simply put, this Karungali Malai will bring success in all your endeavors and help you to reach new heights faster than before. Furthermore, its soothing benefits can ease mental stress and depression and give relaxation for both mind and body, leading to a full life with health and wealth! So give it a try now by purchasing this Karungali Wood Malai online from karungali today – then enjoy its benefits for years!

Krishna is an author and Co-founder of He is a lord siva devotee who have very good knowledge on devotional goods and prayer methods. In specific he is in to this devotional goods selling since 2019. His knowledge on karungali (ebony products) and using procedure helps several people.