Yes, this karungalis can be wear by muslims and its just a positive obsorving material that helps any one in improving their life style. Sorry this poor ebony (karungali) dosesn’t know our religious segmentations. Karungali malai or black ebony wood has long been used to mitigate adverse Mars effects in one’s horoscope, remove enemies, balance tridoosha and develop memory and intellectual powers. Furthermore, it may help find life partners, increase business success or cure health ailments.
It is not a hindu devotional material
Karungali malai (ebony wood mala) is an auspicious accessory used to foster wealth and good luck, consisting of 108 beads made from the black heartwood of an ebony tree. Believed to have spiritual and mystical powers, its use may assist individuals in reaching their goals faster and more efficiently while protecting against bad energies like evil eyes or witchcraft; in addition it serves to enhance focus during meditation and prayers.
Men and women of all ages can wear karungali malas to reap their many advantages. According to ancient myths, they are said to protect from negative horoscope influences like Mars; boost academic performance for students; foster business expansion and help overcome financial shortages and mental fears while also improving overall health; additionally they can be used to invoke and worship family deities known as Kula Deivams.
The Karungali Mala is an effective talisman designed to shield its wearer from evil eye, nazar, and drishti attacks while alleviating depression, anxiety and stress. Furthermore, this piece can also promote living a healthy lifestyle and staying grounded throughout daily routine. A perfect gift idea for friends or loved ones experiencing hardship in their lives; its black ebony wood has the power to rid negative energies and attract positive ones!
It is a wood
Karungali Malai, commonly referred to as Ebony Wood Mala, is a traditional prayer bead necklace believed to possess spiritual and mystical powers that can help bring about prosperity and success in your life. Crafted from black heartwood of an Ebony tree tree and thought to possess magical properties. This beaded necklace can help relieve mental anxiety as well as negative energy while providing emotional stability, peace and emotional balance; making it an excellent tool for spiritual development as well as helping overcome any barriers hindering financial success and success.
A karungali malai is traditionally made with 108 beads – considered sacred in Hinduism – which makes it an ideal accompaniment for meditation, chanting mantras, or other spiritual practices. Crafted from authentic ebony wood with natural, unpolished edges for optimal wearability by both men and women in various sizes.
Before using this mala, it is crucial that it is cleansed and consecrated properly in order to maximize its potential. You can do this by running it under water, applying sage smoke rub or performing a small puja ritual. Also remember that no miracle cure exists within us so to fully capitalize on its potential wear it in combination with positive affirmations or mindful activities and maximize its benefits.
It absorbs cosmic energy
Ebony Karungali malai in Chennai is a traditional prayer bead necklace made of wood from Diospyros genus trees (black ebony tree). This dark-colored wood offers many spiritual benefits, including mental clarity and physical strength gains, supernatural energy absorption/storage abilities that allow individuals to defend against potential negative forces that might seek to harm them, and more.
Karungali malais are also highly revered talismans that offer protection from evil eyes, nazar and drishti. Wearing one regularly can help achieve greater success faster and achieve goals more quickly; plus they offer numerous health benefits including improving skin and nerves health, strengthening bones, relieving stress and anxiety and spreading positive vibrations through electromagnetic radiation waves and passing them along to others.
The Karungali Malai tree is an invaluable black hardwood, used in many applications ranging from temple gopuram construction to making sticks for god idols. Known as an adaptable material capable of withstanding changing weather conditions and heavy rainfalls, its dense yet durable wood is also an effective natural remedy to heal skin, nerve and depression issues as well as strengthen bones. Furthermore, this sacred tree’s magnetic waves absorb cosmic energy efficiently making it perfect material to use when chanting mantras during worship or performing other rites.
It is a jewelry
Karungali malai jewelry is widely believed to contain supernatural forces that can help you attain your goals, dispel negative energies, bring wealth and peace of mind as well as avoid financial shortages in business or career endeavors. Furthermore, it may help overcome barriers between you and victory and help prevent mental fear or laziness; ultimately helping improve sleep patterns as a bonus!
These beads are crafted from ebony wood, a dark and dense wood typically used in carving religious idols. Extremely durable and worn by both men and women alike, ebony beads symbolize strength and power while withstanding various conditions – not to mention being seen as sacred by Hindus!
Use of the Karungali Malai can be an excellent way to mitigate the harmful effects of Mars on your horoscope, and even help build your dream home without obstruction due to reduced negative energy in it. Furthermore, this remedy has also been shown to increase memory retention and deepen relationships.
Traditional Karungali Malais consist of 108 beads – each featuring black smooth beads that feel smooth to the touch and reflect light beautifully. Once cleansed in raw milk and water, wear your mala for meditation or prayer and keep it close as an extra safeguard against harm.

Krishna is an author and Co-founder of He is a lord siva devotee who have very good knowledge on devotional goods and prayer methods. In specific he is in to this devotional goods selling since 2019. His knowledge on karungali (ebony products) and using procedure helps several people.