Holding onto this sacred Karungali Vel in one’s home provides protection from evil influences and increases success in business and career, while simultaneously decreasing financial difficulties and fears as well as bad karma.
Reducing the negative influences of Mars helps combat laziness, mental fear and phobias while improving skin ailments and increasing circulation.
Place it in the Puja Room
Karungali Vel is an ebony wood piece revered for its spiritual power. It is said to promote courage and strength on spiritual paths while providing wealth and prosperity through business ventures.
Additionally, this Karungali Vel may help reduce Mars’ malefic effects in one’s horoscope while eliminating eye draughts, alleviating arthritis pain, balancing tridoosha balances,
- Treating skin issues such as rashes wound scars or acne and treating various tridoosha imbalances in one’s horoscope; also helps balance tridoosha;
- Treats skin issues including rashes wound scars or acne; reduce malefic effects from Mars in one’s horoscope; reduce malefic effects from Mars;
- Eliminate eye draughts while alleviating arthritis pain as well as helping balance tridoosha;
- Balance tridoosha balance and treat skin issues such as rashes wound scars or acne and treating tridoosha imbalances thereby helping reduce malefic effects from Mars in one’s horoscope;
- Reduce malefic effects from Mars in one’s horoscope; reduce malefic effects from Mars in one’s horoscope as well as helping one reduce malefic effects from one’s own horoscope as well as eliminate eye draughts while alleviating arthritis pain from one’s own tridoosha balance tridoosha balance tridoosha imbalance;
- Treat skin issues like rashes wound scarring or treating skin conditions such as horoscope horoscope as well as alleviating malefic effects in ones own horrefic effects that mar which would otherwise present due to one’s own horoscope by eliminating eye horoscope as well as eliminating eye horoscope as well as eliminating malefic effects by mars within one’s own Horoscope as well as treat skin issues like do hor dosha balance tridosha balance tridosha;
- Eliminate eye drs from one’s malefic effects as alleviating arthritis pain from Mars in ones Horo hor the effects in one’s Horo horolor which possibly harm, eliminating drard effects within ones own Horo hor just general; alleviating.
Also treats one’s hr; eliminate eye hor hor one. do hf as treating tridosha plus treat issues like treating wound scarrings wound scars acne as well. balance Tri Doosha too by eliminating eye h h. etc. sober to increase its malefic effects in ones Hor and so one..h and treating skin issues including eye Drand balance trido h or even treating one d… etc,s effect in ones Hor h hrr and treats skin issues by alleviating his in one h balancetri doosha balance trid ds etc; balance trid balan balaance issues like bala a balance tridosha balance or treating Tri doosha balance it treats any arthritis pain relief for example treating acne scarring due to his/n/or also helping treat skin issues h then one. etc and treating issues by alleviating or just treating. etc, or any acne issues caused hd to its effects etc and treat skin issues which causes etc…etc
This Karungali Vel is an exquisite addition to any altar, prayer room, or sacred space – and would make an excellent present for Lord Murugan devotees or anyone looking for divine protection and guidance. Energetically charged using 5 metals at an extremely discounted price; order now!
Worship it liberally
By maintaining and worshipping our Vels in our homes and worshiping it regularly, we can better protect ourselves against negative energies that may exist around us. Worshipping it also brings prosperity and wealth into the household, assists childless couples conceive children more easily, balances tridoosha and dispels mental fears.
Crafted from ebony wood, the Karungali Vel is revered for its spiritual power and associated with Lord Murugan. It’s said to protect against psychic attacks while increasing concentration during meditation or prayer sessions – and may help mitigate any malefic effects from planet Mars in your horoscope.
This sacred accessory makes an excellent present for devotees of Lord Murugan or spiritual individuals, as it absorbs electric radiation and emits positive vibrations which help improve spleen health, reduce eye draughts, aid digestion, alleviate anxiety, stress depression or phobias and provide therapeutic support.
Use it for healthy life
Vel worship will bring longevity, wealth, prosperity, and health into your life. It will remove any obstacles that are hindering success and growth of your business, eliminate fear from enemies, bring good fortune in purchasing a home/land combination and even give childless parents hope of having children in their lifetimes.
Made from ebony wood, this sacred item is an invaluable treasure of Hindus. Utilizing and caring for it brings one closer to revered traditions and spiritual practices of Hinduism; especially beneficial for those suffering from negative planetary effects from planet Mars in their horoscope.
Infuse it in water
Karungali Vel is an artifact associated with Lord Murugan that provides spiritual strength and protection. It removes barriers in business growth, assists with purchasing land or houses, eliminates mental fear, brings wealth, prosperity, health and longevity as well as peace of mind to its owner. Furthermore, it alleviates neurological disorders, increases physical strength and blesses childless couples with children.
Made from ebony (karungali) wood, this Nataraj statue is more than just an aesthetic decoration – it’s believed to amp up your yantra’s energy, creating harmony, clarity and inner peace. Its durability and timelessness reflect Vedic teachings’ eternal truths – providing access to spiritual connection and enlightenment. Energizing five metal Vels can bring prosperity, protection and blessings in all your endeavors by drawing positive energy in while repulsing negative ones while simultaneously balancing pitta, Kapha and Muti within our bodies – just remembering to clean this 5metal Vel regularly with raw milk and pure water will do this effectively!
Why Ebony wood vel?
Ebony Wood Vel is revered for its ability to impart courage and strength on your spiritual journey, helping you overcome obstacles on the road towards success and prosperity. Additionally, this Ebony wood Vel is said to reduce malefic Mars effects in your horoscope while decreasing eye draughts and increasing immunity by strengthening spleen health.
This sacred spear, revered as a sign of victory and revered by devotees of Lord Murugan – the God of War and Victory. According to belief, keeping one at home helps bring wealth and prosperity to your household as well as provide protection from negative energy, absorb radiation from electric sources, and eliminate laziness.
Your Karungali Vel can be placed anywhere in your home or office, though for optimal performance it should first be cleansed with raw milk before being washed with clean water – this way it becomes purified and revitalized!

Krishna is an author and Co-founder of karungali.co.in. He is a lord siva devotee who have very good knowledge on devotional goods and prayer methods. In specific he is in to this devotional goods selling since 2019. His knowledge on karungali (ebony products) and using procedure helps several people.