Karungali Kattai is made of black ebony wood and contains powerful electromagnetic radiation-storing crystals. Used in religious services to eliminate debts, financial issues and enmities. Furthermore, it eases mental fear while providing peace of mind – truly an exceptional natural gift that benefits humans!
Karungali kattai bracelet
The Karungali Kattai bracelet is constructed of Ebony Wood which is revered as an auspicious tree in Shiva’s spiritual hierarchy and believed to contain positive energies that protect you against evil eyes, evil minds, lies, jealousy and other forms of negativity in life. Additionally, its use strengthens self-confidence while fulfilling prayers and fulfilling wishes as it removes negative vibrations in your life while stimulating positive vibrations and good waves, thus increasing luck and wealth as well as protecting against ghostly entities or spirits and providing protection from evil forces or ghostly forces as well as treating skin issues such as psoriasis, acne itching or rashes.
Karungali Kattii can also be used to minimize the malefic effects of Mars in your horoscope and lessening any harmful influences such as moon or sun in your chart, along with relieving body toxins. You can add it soaked with water directly into your bath to use daily.
Karungali kattai powder
Karungali Kattai is a powder made from black Ebony wood thin curlily flakes. When rinsed and soaked in water overnight, this medicinal powder can help regulate blood sugar levels, reduce bad cholesterol, aid digestion, regulate digestive organs, prevent allergies, cancer and other diseases as well as purify and protect an aura against negative energy and evil eyes.
Karungali-infused water can help cleanse the body of toxins, soothe rashes, wounds, scars, acne and other skin related issues, balance vattha pittha kapha tridooshas in your body to eliminate excess heat, or be used in religious rituals to energize deivams to bring success, wealth health peace of mind and freedom from debts, financial worries or enmity issues.
A Karungali stick can help absorb electromagnetic radiations and spread positive vibrations throughout a room or environment. When placed in the puja room, this powerful object absorbs electromagnetic waves while disseminating positive energies to its surroundings – perfect for keeping evil eyes at bay, enemies at bay, or negative energies away! When placed at home or work it can protect from negativity caused by evil eyes, enemies, or negative energies.
Karungali.co.in karungali kattai
karungali.co.in Online’s Karungali Mala and Bracelet Combo in Silver is an exquisite accessory designed to connect you to nature and spiritual energy more deeply, creating positivity, peace, and prosperity in your life. Constructed using authentic Karungali wood beads known for their spiritual significance and grounding qualities; enhanced with exquisite silver accents adding beauty and elegance – this divine piece makes an excellent present as it will help them find tranquility and abundance in their lives!
Karungali kattai bangles
Karungali kattai bangles made of Ebony black wood are great gifts to give loved ones on special occasions such as weddings, birthdays or religious ceremonies as they help protect against negative energies while simultaneously spreading positive ones. Additionally, it helps keep your mind focused and reduce negative stressors that might otherwise influence it. They make ideal presents!
This bracelet is handcrafted from original Karungali wood, an ancient spiritual tree among Hindus. This piece represents Goddess Kali’s power and strength – believed by some to aid their journey toward fulfilling dreams and goals while providing strength to wrists while relieving from skin and nerve issues.
Karungali Stick/mala/kattai etc are used in poojas to remove hostility, debts, loss of money and bring prosperity in business. Regular usage will reduce malefic effects of planet Mars on one’s horoscope while it is said that all deities reside in it – by wearing and worshipping this instrument regularly one can rid themselves of diseases, phobias or fears by worshiping and wearing Karungali!
Karungali kattai buy online
Originally made of ebony wood, karungali kattais are believed to possess immense medicinal and miraculous properties. According to legend, they can absorb electromagnetic radiation waves, store energy and alleviate illness. When placed within your house or business it can remove all evil thoughts, bring good fortune and wealth while curing diseases while helping sleep better – as well as eliminating financial issues like bankruptcy and debts; avoid family disputes and marriage delays, increase profits while dispelling fear or anxiety.
The Karungali Kattai bought online is an invaluable devotional item that helps you achieve success and sidestep all kinds of obstacles in life. It can help those experiencing family or work-related conflicts, debt issues or money issues as well as depression or laziness overcome depression while at the same time protecting you against effects of Mars in your horoscope.
Karungali kattai uses
Karungali kattai, or Ebony tree sticks, are round sticks crafted from dense black hardwood belonging to various species in the Diospyros genus that grow in tropical forests and make a popular timber species. Used primarily as jewellery-grade lumber species for carvings or ornamental items; additionally it may help treat intestinal parasites, leprosy, arthritis, nerve problems as well as mental anxiety/depression conditions while increasing memory power and intellectual abilities.
As various deities are said to reside within the Karungali tree, wearing or keeping it around will bring wealth and good health to its owner. Furthermore, keeping one can reduce any negative influences of Mars in your horoscope; protect you from debts and enmity as well as win court cases and overcome obstacles in life.
Keep a karungali kattai in the puja room of both your home and office as an effective remedy against debts, unnecessary expenses and cash shortages. It can also aid relationships by combatting depression, laziness and mental fear while increasing physical strength.
Karungali kattai original price
Black Ebony/ Karungali wood is widely acknowledged to be one of the most powerful sources for good luck and protection from negative energy. Used in temples for millennia, Karungali attracts positive energies while simultaneously shielding from negativity. Used since ages for creating deities and used as gifts by friends and family alike. If placed in your prayer room it can help with financial worries, debt issues, family disputes as well as remove mental fears such as fear and depression. Soak your Karungali stick in water before placing it somewhere safe at home! Soak your Karungali stick in water before placing it anywhere.
Karungali kattai benefits
Karungali is said to have numerous medicinal advantages; it helps heal wounds, remove toxins from the body, balance vattha, pitha and kapha doshas (body fluids), help weight loss as well as support pregnancy. Regular use of Karungali Kattai Water may also be useful during gestation as it reduces excess heat while clearing away cysts from the uterus; additionally it provides relief for skin related problems like Psoriasis, Acne and Eczema relief as well as cure dandruff relief! Drishti protection as it has powerful protection effects against evil eye drishti.
A Karungali Kadai or Stick should be placed in your home’s pooja room to help bring success and career growth, prevent cash shortages and maintain peace of mind. Furthermore, its symbolic tree for Mars can lessen any negative horoscope effects due to this planet.
Ebony wood is a dense black hardwood that hails from several species in the Diospyros genus, featuring beautiful grains and hardness characteristics that make it suitable for crafting furniture and musical instruments. Ebony is widely seen as a symbol of power, balance, and protection within Pagan beliefs and practices.

Krishna is an author and Co-founder of karungali.co.in. He is a lord siva devotee who have very good knowledge on devotional goods and prayer methods. In specific he is in to this devotional goods selling since 2019. His knowledge on karungali (ebony products) and using procedure helps several people.