Karungali or Sengali Malai trees are powerful protectors from electrical radiation and lightning storms, offering protection for homes and temples against thunderstorms and lightning strikes.
5 Sengali Malai Benefits
Karungali wood is used in Sthala Vriksham temples to promote physical and mental wellness and spread positive vibes.
1. Detoxify the body
Detoxification is a natural process performed by our liver, kidneys, lungs and skin on an ongoing basis as part of their design to keep us alive and healthy. Unfortunately, modern lifestyles place undue strain on these detoxification systems which slow or break them down over time, creating stress in our bodies which becomes very hard to break free from.
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A Karungali Malai or Senkarungali Mala is the ideal talisman to invoke Lord Shani for blessings and obtain his guidance and assistance. Renowned for attracting electric radiation and divine lightning, this powerful mala has the ability to revitalize mind and body while clearing any hurdles from your path toward success and relieving financial anxiety or depression.
Kula Deivam can also be invoked, helping students enhance memory and intellect for improved academic performance, and balancing vattha pittha and kapha doshas within the body. For maximum effect it should be performed on an auspicious day in order to remove negative energies and add healing ones – this method is known as ‘smudging”.
2. Strengthens the immune system
This rare species of tree is famed for its medicinal and divine powers, attracing electromagnetic energy and radiating positive vibes over an area up to one kilometer around itself. Temples use it to protect their area from thunder and lightning strikes while it also strengthens bones, relieve arthritis pain, improve memory, detoxify body heat levels, aid digestion processes and treat skin conditions. Homams and poojas use it in rituals as it absorbs negative vibrations while increasing positive vibes.
Pure karungali malais are thought to bring prosperity, happiness, wealth and good health to those who wear them. Additionally, students often wear them as it helps improve mental and physical stamina while at school. Pure karungali malais also reduce the malefic effects of Mars in your horoscope which may bring wealth and financial security as well as helping fulfill wishes or prayers by increasing vakku siddhi power.
the Senkarungali Malai from karungali.co.in can also serve as an important tool for meditation and spiritual growth, helping you connect with your inner self and find peace of mind – helping you reach your goals more quickly in life. Keep it with you at all times to stay mindful and grounded during spiritual activities – or use it during religious practices like Yoga! Looking for an effortless yet beautiful way to enhance your spiritual life? Order one now from karungali.co.in to experience its incredible benefits! The Senkarungali Malai can not only get rid of negative energies while strengthening and deepening understanding of one’s own spiritual self – order yours today to discover its amazing power!
3. Removes excess heat from the body
Soaking karungali sticks overnight and drinking the next morning helps those experiencing heat issues to reduce excess body heat while improving digestion, eliminating acne and skin conditions, strengthening bones and muscles, reducing weight and increasing metabolism. It may even help women clear out unwanted cysts from their uterus while providing essential immunity-boosting Vitamin C while simultaneously alleviating stress, insomnia and other health concerns. Finally, its purifying qualities also allow it to purify kidneys of waste products, purify blood and purify organs such as the bladder.
Ebony wood (karungali) is an extremely rare species with medicinal and spiritual powers, often used in worship services for its ability to attract electromagnetic energy and transmit positive vibrations. Used during ceremonies and homams, Ebony is used to attract electromagnetic energy and spread positive vibes around a room or object from thunderstorms and lightning bolts – thus purifying houses, temples and objects from negative energies such as thunder and lightning; creating strong doors, hammers and plungers as a shield against natural disasters – as well as protecting temple grounds from lightning storms. Ebony is used for protection from lightning as well as protecting temples against lightning storms when protecting temples themselves against storms – thus becoming another powerful and rare material!
Vedic Astrology links the Karungali tree to Mars and those experiencing malefic effects can wear bracelets made of Karungali wood as protection from its negative energy. Wearing regular Karungali bracelets also has been said to provide physical stamina while increasing Vaakku Siddi power as well as bring wealth and prosperity.
4. Relieves skin related problems
Karungali malai is excellent for your skin; it can heal rashes, wound scars, acne and psoriasis among other skin related problems. Furthermore, it helps balance vatha pitha kapha as well as remove excess heat from your body while improving digestion, blood circulation and treating arthritis symptoms. Protecting against negative energy like bad eyes, envy and mental fear. Soaking it in water provides bathing therapy that relieves stress, boosts memory retention, lowers anxiety levels and promotes sounder sleep. Additionally, it helps balance blood pressure, increase fertility, reduce malefic effects of Saturn in one’s horoscope, strengthens spleen and prevents arthritis symptoms by improving circulation to joints. Ghee is often used in divine poojas and homams to remove negative energy and promote positive vibrations, as well as worshipped to receive blessings from deities such as Maha Vishnu. Additionally, worshipping vaakku siddis increases their power which in turn helps fulfill wishes and bring financial security.
This rare tree with supernatural and spiritual powers is known as Sthala Vriksham and can absorb electromagnetic radiation and lightning over one kilometer radius, protecting households and temples as well as householders nearby from thunder and lightning storms. Widely used in building houses and temples as well as making tools such as hammers, plungers, doors and shields from thunder/lightning strikes, it also helps reduce malefic effects from Mars in one’s horoscope while protecting children against diseases while increasing physical stamina/intellectual powers for improved education as well as increasing powers of Kula devata family god!
5. Removes toxins from the body
Krungkaali malai helps the body eliminate toxins, making you healthier overall and strengthening inner energy and keeping you more spiritually connected. You can then focus on meditation and prayer sessions more intensely until enlightenment comes naturally; plus it may increase memory power and help focus during work activities more.
Karungali malais made of black ebony beads are considered an earth-bound blessing to bring good health and wealth to their wearers. Additionally, these malais are believed to help alleviate negative influences caused by planet Mars in one’s horoscope and help overcome laziness or mental fear. Additionally, these malais can also be used to invoke family deities called Kula Deivam and offer blessings – plus may help treat ailments like leprosy, ringworm, coughing asthmatic diabetes etc – they even reduce negative influences from celestial bodies known as Navagrahas!
Be sure to purchase a genuine senkarungali malai, with deep black beads with smooth surfaces that have been polished until polished, smooth edges, and heavy weight. Soaking this remedy overnight before drinking it first thing in the morning has many health benefits for your body including fat reduction, strengthening bones, skin diseases prevention, and lower blood pressure reduction.
The Karungali Malai is said to promote spiritual wellness while simultaneously improving memory, concentration, and decision-making abilities. Additionally, it can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while simultaneously relieving symptoms associated with arthritis such as strengthening the spleen and hips for arthritis relief. Boost memory retention rates while simultaneously decreasing risks for Alzheimer’s disease while relieving skin issues like rashes or scarring from its use.

Krishna is an author and Co-founder of karungali.co.in. He is a lord siva devotee who have very good knowledge on devotional goods and prayer methods. In specific he is in to this devotional goods selling since 2019. His knowledge on karungali (ebony products) and using procedure helps several people.